Dragon age origins best daggers
Dragon age origins best daggers

dragon age origins best daggers

Reunite Alistair with His Sister Goldannaįree Sten from his cage and return his sword to himĬonvince Zathrian to lift the curse on both the wearwolves and the elvesĬonvince Zerlinda’s father to allow his daughter and grandson back into his family Keep Isolde alive and free her son Conner from demonic possession If you're looking for specifics, here are 10 of the most important choices you can make in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 to help create the greatest timeline: Dragon Age: Origins Being lily-white in an RPG like this is usually a pretty clear-cut decision, even when navigating the morally-grey Dragon Age storylines. The short version? Just rescue everyone, and broker peace whenever possible. Kill Anders by stabbing him in the back during the final missionĬreating the best Dragon Age world possible is a little less creative than being a total jerk and making everything terrible. Recruit Isabella then hand her over to the Qunari Turn Down Morrigan’s final offer so she’ll leave the party Use Right of Annulment to kill everyone in the Tower during the Broken Circle mission Let Loghain sacrifice himself during the final battle Let Isolde’s son Conner stay possessed by demonĬonvince Zerlinda to abandon her son in the Deep Roads Let Isolde sacrifice herself by using blood magic Let Redcliff village be wiped out by zombies Kill Leliana during the Sacred Ashes quest Turn Alistair into a drunk by recruiting Loghain There are plenty more evil choices to make, but these are 10 key choices in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 that will help you create what might just be the darkest timeline:

dragon age origins best daggers

there's a set of Dragon Age Keep settings for that. Talents that turns every hit into a critical hit on a stunned character, combined with dirty fighting and paralyze runes on the off hand blade -> pain.If, for some reason, you want to start Dragon Age: Inquisition with the world of Thedas in the worst shape possible, well. With a build topped out at 90 dex, you get 160 defense (never gets hit), 135 attack (always hits), 35-45 dmg, 50-80 crits/backstabs and three times the attack freqency of a sword+board fighter. Your above comments prompted me to do a proper dual wielding rogue play through (and not the cunning focused build I did first), specialized as duelist/assasin, it is a ridiculously overpowered build. This means you get physical resistance, defense, attack and dmg increases for every point spent.

dragon age origins best daggers

This may sound weak, but remember you pour almost all your attribute points into dex: you need 20 in str and 26 in cunning, the rest goes into dex. But for daggers you only get 85% of 50%, or 0.425 per dex attribute point spent. Dual wielding is a very poor choice for fighters, but an excellent one for rogues.ĭex does work. Click to expand.The advantage of daggers are: Speed, critical chance and armour penetration.

Dragon age origins best daggers